PLA Webinars

Planning for Success: Your End-of-Year Campaign 

01-01-2019 02:45 PM

End-of-year campaigns remain one of the more important fundraising vehicles as they enable nonprofit organizations to capitalize on the upward trend in giving during November and December. Higher percentages of giving occur during these months and the average gift size is significantly higher. In this webinar, learn the planning process in the months leading up to the end-of-the-year and what you can do to make your campaign a rousing success.

Presenter: Curt Miner, Philanthropy Advisor, Curt Miner & Associates

Curt Miner has over 25 years of successful leadership and fundraising experience. Ranging from internationally acclaimed arts organizations to regional and major research universities, Curt has provided the leadership necessary for ongoing and sustainable success. He has served numerous organizations as a consultant and has helped organizations navigate topics such as strategic planning, development planning, and major gifts and capital projects. At his company, Curt Miner & Associates, he and his staff aim to strengthen organizations through mentoring and empowering those deeply committed to their unique missions. Visit the company website at


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