Financial Practitioners Roundtable
Time: Wednesday, 8:00 am - 9:00 am
Location: Regency D (2nd Floor)
Presented by:
Morris Peacock, Partner, HintonBurdick CPAs and Advisors
Tad Tuttle, Partner, HintonBurdick CPAs and Advisors
Claudia Schechter, Retired Strategic Financial Consultant
Are you the finance director? Accountant? CFO? Bookkeeper? Treasurer? Join your colleagues to discuss the hot topics that affect financial practices, results and your organization’s sustainability. In this roundtable we will discuss two to three of the key financial issues identified by participants and presenters. We’ll breakout in small groups to tackle these topics — by budget size and organizational purpose. Agency partners are also encouraged to participate to better understand how your nonprofit partners build a financially responsible and sustainable organization to support your site.