Elevate Your Volunteer Program: Using Skilled Professionals for Greater Impact

Elevate Your Volunteer Program: Using Skilled Professionals for Greater Impact

Time: Wednesday, March 4, 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm

Location: Grand Ballroom, Salon J

Presented by:

Rebecca Wang, Board Director, Public Lands Alliance

Lenny Teh, Program Manager, Servicewide Volunteer Programs, National Park Service

Volunteers in public lands have been traditionally relegated to providing "extra hands" for trail maintenance and other similar projects. However, leveraging the skills of these individuals -- particularly corporate volunteers -- can build the capacity of your organization. Not only do corporate volunteers provide their skills, but potentially come with additional funding from their companies or corporate foundations. Learn about the tools and resources to obtain skilled volunteers and additional funding through this interactive workshop!

Target Audiences: Program Staff / Field Practitioners, Executive Directors / CEOs, Agency Field Staff
Learning Level: Intermediate (201 / 301 level)