Creating a Healthy Executive Director-Board Relationship

Creating a Healthy Executive Director-Board Relationship

Time: Tuesday, March 3, 10:15 am - 11:30 am

Location: Grand Ballroom, Salon J

Presented by:

Jonathan Poisner, President, Jonathan Poisner Strategic Consulting

Cathy Allen, Principal, The Board Doctor

For organizations to thrive, board members and executive directors must be on the same page regarding their different roles and expectations for the relationship. Like any relationship, it takes effort to make it as effective (and enjoyable) as possible. In this session, we’ll share best practices for the relationship from seasoned consultants who’ve served as both EDs and board members, learning lessons of importance in each role.

Target Audiences: Board Members, Executive Directors / CEOs, Agency Management
Learning Level: Intermediate (201 / 301 level)